When it came to deciding what type of bachelortte party to plan, I hit a wall. The bride-to-be Kimberly is an educated, well-rounded, successful career gal with expensive taste. She’s been my partner in crime for a decade, and like me, it takes a lot to impress her. We are not fans of male strippers; the last thing that makes me happy is some greased up bodybuilder picking me up and getting oil all over my Diane Von Furstenburg leggings. As far as travel, we had done Vegas more times than I can recall, and had criss-crossed the States, Mexico, Canada and Caribbean for various events: carnival, award shows, All-Star weekends, boxing matches, white linen yacht parties, work retreats, and all other types of fuckery hot girls in their mid to late 20’s can get into. Reflecting on all of this not only made me more lost as to what could possibly satisfy Kim as her last hurrah as a single woman, it brought tears to my eyes. While our party lives had already calmed significantly over the last couple of years, this event would mark the end of an era.
I ultimately decided on an island getaway. Puerto Rico was perfect for many reasons. It is a US Commonwealth; which among many things means they use US currency and you do not need a passport to travel there. So our friend that had trouble renewing her passport on short notice was still able to join us. Also, while most of my friends are as well traveled as myself, I recommend San Juan, Puerto Rico to anyone that may be intimidated of international travel. It is a relatively fast-paced vibrant city with lots to do, the flight is only 2 hours from Ft. Lauderdale, and if you don’t speak Spanish many of the locals are friendly and bi-lingual.